Wednesday, December 29, 2010


If you're looking for a good, no-pressure warm-up exercise for getting the creative juices flowing, and also for giving yourself a gentle attitude adjustment, get a stack of 5x7" paper and if you're lucky, a roll of "thank you" stickers from some long ago grocery store, plus a bunch of other scraps and pens and crayons maybe, a pair of scissors and a glue stick, and make some one-off thank you cards. Here's a few from my latest batch. Click on the horizontal ones to see them full-size..

One more here...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Art Art Art

A few more collages that didn't make it into the daily collage series (because I made them a little later on in a fit of creativity and then lost them at the bottom of a pile).

The images look terrible here. Click on them to see the right resolution.

Hope you enjoy...